In California, there are two types of custody that are usually granted to parents - legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the legal responsibility a parent retains in making the important medical and legal decisions for the child. Physical custody describes which parent the child lives with. The parents may be granted joint (shared) or sole custody. If there is a substantial change in your work schedule or living arrangements, you may also be able to modify your custody order.
Scheduled visitation - Specifically outlined
Reasonable Visitation - Left open for the parents to decide
Supervised Visitation - Visitation with a third party supervisor to oversee things
Supervised visitation is granted when the child's safety is at risk by being left alone with one parent and the visitation needs to be supervised by another responsible adult or professional agency. If you are unhappy with your court-ordered visitation or you wish to seek more visitation rights with your child, you have the right to ask the Court to modify your custody order. After you have consulted with an Attorney, you can contact our office and we will gladly help you with your paperwork at a fraction the cost of a lawyer. I have been assisting clients with their custody and visitation documents for over 12 years.
Numerous studies have shown that children who get to spend time with both parents are happier and well-rounded; that is why it is so crucial that if you are not the custodial parent, you consult with an Attorney to find out your visitation rights. Ideally, your child should be spending equal time with both parents; unless you believe the children’s safety will be at risk when in the care of the other parent.
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San Diego County Registration No. 066, Expires 11/18/2026, Bond No. CA799627
Gabriel O. Morales,M.A., LDA, IC., has over twelve years of experience in the preparation of court documents. Before becoming a mediator, Gabriel worked very closely with a successful family law attorney for over 10 years.
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